
Maximize Your Marketing Returns with GPT

Drive conversations powered by GPT-first technology to amplify reach, collect high-quality leads, and improve customer engagement.

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Lowest Cost Per lead than Social


Conversion Rate as compaired to other.


Repeat rate on WhatsApp


Customer onboarded in 6 month

Amplify Your Reach and Acquire New Users

Send relevant, timely notifications to your leads on channels like WhatsApp and nudge them further along in their purchase journey.

Explorer Proactive Messaging

Supercharge Your Return on Ads

Use conversational marketing ads to lead users from their social media feeds to WhatsApp and Instagram and engage in more one-on-one conversations.

Click To WhatsApp Ads

Make the Most of Every Conversation

Generate & Nurture Quality Leads

Acquire more users from the first moment they stumble upon your brand on Google, through social.

Drive Repeat Purchase

Send proactive notifications such as sale announcements, discount offers, restock alerts, pending cart.

Improve Ad Conversion

With conversational ads, you can interact directly with customers to immediately discover and address thei.

Use Omnichannel Marketing

Unify marketing across channels and deliver consistent omnichannel experiences on messaging apps that your.

Conversational Marketing Solutions for Every Industry


Stay top-of-mind with your customers by sending timely incentives and abandoned cart reminders through channels such as WhatsApp.


Help users create and set up their accounts, as well as engage active and inactive users with timely notifications sent on channels.


Guide users along in their onboarding journey more efficiently with timely notifications and send policy renewal reminders to guarantee higher renewal rates.


Enhance user experience with appointment reminders and consultation support for patients, significantly decreasing no-show rates.

Media & Entertainment

Make your followers feel more connected to your brand by giving them a unique experience. Keep your users in the loop with updates on subscription renewals.

Customer Value

"CEAT needed a creative way to meet our customer’s high expectations. Our AI-powered WhatsApp Assistant built with Sol has allowed us to give our customers more convenience and at the same time give us quality leads."

Trusted & Reliable

"Sol has been pivotal in helping us fire up our sales pipeline with an AI-powered chatbot and giving us a competitive advantage on our mission to drive exceptional customer experiences at scale"

Fast Response

"Partnering with Sol has helped us revolutionize our customer experience & brought us closer to our goal of serving & engaging with our customers in the most hassle-free safe & transparent way."